Do we live in a society which requires us to conform?
I was watching a four year old do his homework where he was required to draw some raindrops on a page of people holding umbrellas. His mother was sitting with him to help
The first thing that happened is that his mother gave him a blue crayon. Who says rain has to be blue? Is it even really blue? After a bit of deliberation between the light blue and dark blue crayon, the little boy settled on the dark blue crayon.
The page required the child to draw drops of rain. There were samples provided. The little boy started drawing long lines of blue. His mother said, look at the sample provided, does rain look like that? It should be short lines showing the drops of rain. Who is to say how long a raindrop is? Do all raindrops look the same?
We live in a society which has so many expectations to be of a certain way. Would it be so terrible if a child were to draw rain with a pink crayon? Perhaps they really have seen rain where the light has affected it so it looks pink? Or maybe, when they draw long drops of rain it signifies what they saw when there was a storm outside and it was absolutely pouring. I understand that when there are so many people, schools must form some way to be able to make sure they can grade them or control them as a group.
However, are we starting to lose the innocence and creativity of childhood through the simple exercise of drawing blue short raindrops?
i don't know... i remember i used to be able to draw whatever i want... but the problem being if you draw pink rain, the teacher will say its wrong? in a way it restricts a child's imagination... sometimes life is just too 現實